FruCon 01/08 Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Angie Armstrong, Marie-Claude Danis, Katherine Maheux, Michelle
Wallis, Heather Rolf, Fiona Gardiner, Jian Ghomeshi
Questions for Jian
Raffle Items
We needed an idea of what items would be provided from the band for our
raffle. It was agreed that we should keep the number of items small, but make them "bigger" in value
Fruvous Merch Table
Jian informed us that Fruvous, Inc. is planning on setting up a merchandise
table to sell Fruvous Rarities and things from the Fruvous Archives. More
details to follow
Band Participation
CONVENTION!!!! More info to follow
- Definitely will need to look into better PA system. Jian suggested talking to Dave Tobey about connections (Tobey later suggested talking to Cal about what type of system to set up). Heather will have Greg talk to someone at Steve's music about getting the equipment cheap, and then possibly setting up an exchange for ad space in the program.
- Jian thought the Logo for the Con is fine
- Liked all of Susan Messner's pictures from the Video shoot for use in the puzzles
- According to Jian ,the Sunday Benefit concert is definitely off, but the
Thursday night show is a go. Believes Lee's wants to sell out Fri and Sat
- Bowling on Sunday (Frumiles Card). "That's a good idea... we'll see"
meaning they hadn't intended on redeeming the 30 stamps that Sunday. Now that the benefit is off, it's a possibility
Jian was extremely excited about another Q&A and had suggestions for people we might try to invite. We have tentatively made room for it in the preliminary schedule (coming up). Suggestions:
- Danny Levin (Wood, YWGTTM)
- Don Dixon (Thornhill)
- Bernie Finkelstein (Pres, True North Records; Runs VideoFax for Much Music)
- Steve Martin (Fruvous' Press Agent from New York), or their New York
- Anne Saunders (Coordinator of FalconRidge Folk Festival) or Chris ? (Ottawa Folk Festival)
- Dan Bern
- Personalities from Fruvous Friendly Radio Stations (Joey Guisto or Chris
Andrews from WBER; Micaela Majoun from WXPN; Rita Houston from WFUV)
Jian was asked how much media hype would be favorable surrounding the con this year. His suggestion:
- (particularly if we get Bernie Finkelstein, who would draw a LOT of media) to focus on the Q&A.
- Go through True North for publicity. They might better be able to control "appropriate" press coverage or focus, and contact the "right" people for that coverage
Business Advertising
- Jian suggested avoiding corporate companies (Starbucks, etc)
- Record Shops
- Indie Shops (Steve's ?)
- Pizza Pizza (borderline, but Canadian Based)
Task List
- Zard: contact Jude re: publicity/press coverage, Fruvous Archives Merch table, Raffle Items
- MC/Heather: PA system info and set up
Updated Task List
Laminates - Maureen
Signs - Maureen
Convention emcee - Angie (with announcements and such by whomever would like
to help... ie welcoming comments from Zard??)
Registration - Angie, Michelle
Videos - AJ (with help from Chrissy)
Stage Manager - MC
Special Merchandise - Zard
Program - Fiona, Maureen
Q&A - Mary, Michelle
Open Mic - MC, Kath
Crossword - Kath, Fiona
Hotels - Michelle, Doug, Zard
Brunch - Doug, Gordon
Satellite Events - Gordon, Heather
Raffle - MC, Zard
Treasure Hunt - Michelle, Kath, Fiona, Heather
Volunteer Coordinator - BLANK!!!!!!!
Puzzles - Michelle
An announcement re brunch will be added to the registration form
A list of activities for underage attendees will be provided, but nothing
officially organized by convention planners (liability issues)
Suggested Events Schedule
Main Room
8:00 - 11:00 setup (volunteers will be asked to arrive at 10:00am)
11:00 am FruCon3 Begins
12:00n - 1:30pm Q&A
1:45 - 3:00pm Open Mic
3:00 - 3:30pm Raffle
3:30 - 4:45pm Fruvous
Aux Room
Suggested running videos in shifts, and between shifts having sing-alongs.
The aux room is across the lobby from the main room and won't interfere with
activities (noise concerns, traffic).